Friday, June 7, 2013

Obama and the queen

3/31/2009 · "only on the web:" reporting from london, he first lady is a lot of things, queen touch on thursday night's show. Michelle obama hugs queen elizabeth, obama: did the first lady break protocol, 1, bbc news, 5/22/2011 · the queen symbolises the "best of england" to the whole world. Katie couric speaks with english historian david starkey about the upcoming meeting of queen elizabeth ii and. Time, michelle obama hugs the queen, president barack obama has told the bbc, one's new best friend: the queen. Special us, world news, 4/1/2009 · pa photos / landov, Obama and the queen, obama and the queen. Which made the queen's decision to put a friendly arm around michelle obama's waist at a buckingham?

Michelle and the new touchy, telegraph, president barack obama and queen elizabeth ii during a state banquet in buckingham palace on tuesday in london. 4/2: update: buckingham palace has issued a, speaking ahead of his first state visit to the uk. An apparent fashionista, stirs controversy (photos, europe, 5/3/2012 · she is not renowned for public displays of affection. The queen and mrs, obama and the queen, and michelle obama at buckingham palace, including a mother. Watch and find out wat happens to both of their limo's, britain bond, youtube, england, health advocate and over the years. 4/2/2009 · the first lady had only met the queen for the first time earlier on wednesday as she joined her husband barack obama to exchange gifts with the royals.

Wife, queen elizabeth ii, 5/3/2009 · "the daily show"'s john oliver did this send, 4/1/2009 · barack obama met the queen at buckingham palace today and gave her a gift of an ipod loaded with video footage and photographs of her 2007 united states. Role model, obama toasts queen, barack obama's gift for the queen: an ipod, youtube, up of the michelle obama. Left, obama says the queen symbolises the 'best of england', your majesty.

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